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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

CRS Blues

It's pre-enlistment season once again. Pre-enlistment is the online prologue to the odyssey that is enlistment/registration. The annoying setbacks that I have encountered for the past weeks are mere foreshadowing of the horrors and joys to come before school starts once again. If you haven't noticed, I've been updating my blog more often for the past few days now because I'm on sembreak. I am currently busying myself with matters of bumhood; however, I am also in the process of waiting for my grades and, as aforementioned, enlistment. Oh! I am also currently working on a script for my first official film. It will be an experimental short, hopefully to be produced by Marcala Productions, Ltd. and edited by Mara Garcia. Interested parties should contact me ASAP.

Okay. Enlistment. As a blockmate put it, after 30 years, our UP Webmail accounts were finally activated, allowing us to enlist and email people whilst brandishing that fact that we go to UP. So, I pre-enlisted. I decided to take Geology 1 because it was highly recommended, meaning it is not as threatening. I also enlisted in Archaeology 2. I get various kinds of reactions when I mention this. Some people laugh; some people give me this look where they try to be polite but are clearly weirded out. Of course, some people find it cool, prompting me to smugly smile inside. Not many people know this, but when I was a high school freshman, my ambition was to take up Archaeology in college.

I've also enlisted in English 11. English 11 is "Literature and Society." Now, if ya'll remember, I took English 12 last sem. That was "World Literatures." Now, I never intended it to be this way, but by the end of this year, I might be a Literature major.

Next sem also marks my first real taste of film education. I'm taking Film 100 and Film 110. Film 100 is "Introduction to Film." Film 110 is "Basic Photography." Woohoo!!!

Now, I was fortunate enough to have gotten all these subjects. My only real problem (so far) is PE. I underestimated the difficulty of getting a PE class in UP. I've always heard stories about the horrors of PE enlistment, but I brushed them off as rare, occasional occurrences. I chuckled, It can't be that hard. I mean, I'm a freshman. I was told that they prioritize freshies in enlistment. Oh Ana. Innocent, naïve Ana.

Further thoughts on pre-enlistment shall be continued tomorrow on Ana's Rants

I'll be in Taft tomorrow. Hope to be bump into high school buddies in DLSU.


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